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Two entries from Brewer
Penny Readings Parochial entertainments, consisting of readings,
music, etc., for which one penny admission is charged.
Penny Saved (A). A penny saved is twopence gained. In
French, 'Un centime épargné en vant deux.'
Well, suppose a man asks twopence a piece for his oranges, and a haggler
obtains hundred at a penny a piece, would he save 200 pence by his bargain?
If so, let him go on spending, and he will soon become a millionaire.
Or suppose, instead of paying £1,000 for a bad bet, I had not wagered
any money at all, would this have been worth £2,000 to me?
About the Mark-up System
My markup system could be used in Dictionaries or Encylopediae, as well
as being valid for the Phrases and Fables, because of the definition of
one of these types as an attribute to the <headword> tag. It contains
much information and would be designed for viewing in an especially-written
browser, so that all of the information contained in the Meta tags, for
example, could be used. This would allow easy searching of for document,
whether by title, author or keyword and more complex searches involving
publication details.
Basic Structure
The body of the text is located between the <maintext> tag, each
entry is in turn defined with the <entry> tag. At least one entry
must be present in any maintext area. The entry is essentially split into
two: the <headword>, which is the word or phrase being defined and
the <definition>. Each entry must contain both these tags.
Language Attribute
Both the headword and definition must have a language attribute, which
uses ISO
639-2 to define the language, followed by a hyphen and then ISO
3166-1 to define the region. This allows for very accurate searches
by language to become possible and ISO 639-2 has been used instead of
the generally favoured ISO 639-1 because codes are available for historical
forms such as Middle French, which would further indexing possibilities.
Where equivalent phrases or words in foreign languages are given in the
definition, this is indexed using the <equiv> tag, with a language
attribute, again to allow easy searching by language and the potential
for cross-referencing .
Keyword tag
To enable linguists to possibly search for terms by keyword, a keyword
as defined by having <keyword> tags around it. This is much more
accurate than using a robotic search engine to search for words in the
whole corpus. There is also the possibility to define four alternative
keywords derived from the word in question by using the alternative attributes
alt1-alt4. Thus, parochial may be given the alternative parish
and the search utility would, therefore, pick up parochial following
a search for parish or vice-versa.
Entity References
In order to maintain compatibility with existing systems, and eventually
to allow this form of SGML to be included as an XML definition, standard
HTML entity references are used for non-ASCII characters.
No formatting information has been included since it is assumed that
a browser viewing the page would be set up to display the items as the
user wishes. For example, if the user were to set up a stylesheet stipulating
that all Headwords should be in brown, Arial font, size 12 and bold with
center alignment, whilst Definitions should be in black, Times, size 10
and fully justified, this should be possible.
Full SGML Document
========== DTD ========== -->
<!ENTITY % LanguageCode "NAME">
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<!ELEMENT headword -- (#PCDATA) >
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<!ATTLIST headword
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lang %LanguageCode #REQUIRED
<!ATTLIST equiv
lang %LanguageCode #REQUIRED
type (word|phrase|fable) #REQUIRED
<!ATTLIST keyword
alt1 %Text #IMPLIED
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<!-- ========== Header ========== -->
<meta name="keywords"
content="brewer, phrase, fable, dictionary">
<meta name="source_title" content="Brewer's
Dictionary of Phrase and Fable">
<meta name="source_auth1_surname"
<meta name="source_auth1_otherinits" content="E.
<meta name="source_auth1_dates" content="1810-1897">
<meta name="source_1st_pub_year" content="1894">
<meta name="source_edition_no" content="15">
<meta name="source_revision_surname" content="Room">
<meta name="source_revision_otherinits"
<meta name="source_revision_pub_year"
<meta name="source_revision_pub_name"
<meta name="source_revision_pub_place"
<meta name="source_copyright" content="Cassell,
<meta name="source_pages_no"
<meta name="sgml_auth1_surname" content="Smith">
<meta name="sgml_auth1_otherinits" content="D.
N. A.">
<meta name="sgml_auth1_dates" content="1981
- ">
<meta name="sgml_1st_pub_year" content="2002">
<meta name="sgml_edition_no" content="1">
<!-- ========== Body ========== -->
<headword type="phrase"
Penny Readings </headword>
<definition lang="eng-gb">
<keyword alt1="parish">
Parochial </keyword>
<keyword> entertainment</keyword>s,
consisting of <keyword>
<keyword> music
</keyword>, etc., for which
one <keyword alt1="pence"
penny </keyword>
is charged. </definition>
<entry> <headword
Penny Saved </headword>
<definition lang="eng-gb">
A <keyword alt1="pence"
penny </keyword>
saved is <keyword
alt2="2p" alt3="2d"
alt4="two+pennies"> twopence
</keyword> gained. In French,
<equiv type="phrase"
lang="fre-fr"> Un
<keyword> centime
<keyword> épargné
</keyword> en vant deux.
</equiv> Well, suppose a man
asks twopence a piece for his oranges, and a haggler obtains hundred at
a penny a piece, would he save 200 pence by his bargain? If so, let him
go on spending, and he will soon become a millionaire. Or suppose, instead
of paying £1000 for a bad bet, I had not wagered any money at
all, would this have been worth £2000 to me?
<!-- ========== End ========== -->
XML Code
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<meta name="keywords" content="brewer, phrase, fable, dictionary" />
<meta name="source_title" content="Brewer's Dictionary of Phrase and
Fable" />
<meta name="source_auth1_surname" content="Brewer" />
<meta name="source_auth1_otherinits" content="E. C." />
<meta name="source_auth1_dates" content="1810-1897" />
<meta name="source_1st_pub_year" content="1894" />
<meta name="source_edition_no" content="15" />
<meta name="source_revision_surname" content="Room" />
<meta name="source_revision_otherinits" content="A." />
<meta name="source_revision_pub_year" content="1995" />
<meta name="source_revision_pub_name" content="Cassell" />
<meta name="source_revision_pub_place" content="London" />
<meta name="source_copyright" content="Cassell, 1995" />
<meta name="source_pages_no" content="1182" />
<meta name="sgml_auth1_surname" content="Smith" />
<meta name="sgml_auth1_otherinits" content="D. N. A." />
<meta name="sgml_auth1_dates" content="1981 - " />
<meta name="sgml_1st_pub_year" content="2002" />
<meta name="sgml_edition_no" content="1" />
<headword type="phrase" lang="eng-gb"> Penny Readings </headword>
<definition lang="eng-gb"> <keyword alt1="parish"> Parochial
</keyword> <keyword> entertainment</keyword>s, consisting
of <keyword> reading</keyword>s, <keyword> music </keyword>,
etc., for which one <keyword alt1="pence" alt2="p"> penny </keyword>
admission is charged. </definition>
<headword type="phrase" lang="eng-gb" note="A"> Penny Saved </headword>
<definition lang="eng-gb"> A <keyword alt1="pence" alt2="p">
penny </keyword> saved is <keyword alt1="two+pence" alt2="2p"
alt3="2d" alt4="two pennies"> twopence </keyword> gained.
In French, <equiv type="phrase" lang="fre-fr"> Un <keyword>
centime </keyword> <keyword> épargné </keyword> en vant
deux. </equiv>
Well, suppose a man asks twopence a piece for his oranges, and a haggler
obtains hundred at a penny a piece, would he save 200 pence by his bargain?
If so, let him go on spending, and he will soon become a millionaire.
Or suppose, instead of paying £1000 for a bad bet, I had not wagered any
money at all, would this have been worth £2000 to me? </definition>
XSL Code
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<h1>Dictionary of Phrase & Fable</h1>
<xsl:for-each select="body/entry">
<xsl:value-of select="headword"/></h2>
<p><xsl:value-of select="definition"/></p>
Link to XML version
Click here to view the XML version produced
with the above code. Note that this will only work in Internet Explorer
6 because XSL support in Netscape 6 and Internet Explorer 5 and 5.5 was
based upon a draft recommendation by W3C which has since been changed.
See here for
more details. Due to limitations in XSL at present, it is not possible
to format the quotation differently from the rest of the definition.