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KWIC Concordance for words starting in 'a'

KWIC Concordance for words ending in -tion
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Collocation of the word 'member'

What this tells us
about the nature of the text
The high insidence of the word shall is likely to indicate a prescriptive
legal text such as this one is. It is also clear that member states
- the standard way of referring to European Union countries - is a key
phrase in the document and so it would probably be possible to guess the
nature of the text based solely upon these statistics.
Forms ending in -ing
The following is a list of every instance of a word ending in -ing, surrounded
by its context, as found by WordSmith.
t the adoption of such decisions. When abstaining in a vote, any member
of the - present participle
e shall not be taken. The Council may, acting by a qualified majority,
request - present participle
cy decisions, and, when appropriate and acting on behalf of the Council
at the - present participle
onal product scale, unless the Council acting unanimously decides otherwise.
As - present participle
plications and cases where the Council acting unanimously decides otherwise.
I - present participle
ments shall be concluded by the Council acting unanimously on a recommendation
- present participle
lementation of this Title, the Council, acting unanimously, may authorise
the P - present participle
his Title shall be taken by the Council acting unanimously. Abstentions
by memb - present participle
he basis of a common strategy; - when adopting any decision implementing
a joi - present participle
all act by qualified majority: - when adopting joint actions, common positions
- present participle
sions. 6. In cases of imperative need arising from changes in the situation
an - present participle
y decides otherwise. As for expenditure arising from operations having
military - present participle
mmunities, except for such expenditure arising from operations having
military - present participle
m the Presidency. No agreement shall be binding on a Member State whose
represen - adjective
cooperation by exchanging information, carrying out joint assessments
and cont - present participle
cy, shall assist the Council in matters coming within the scope of the
common f - present participle
cy shall represent the Union in matters coming within the common foreign
and se - present participle
the request of the Presidency, through conducting political dialogue with
third - present participle
security policy, in particular through contributing to the formulation,
prepara - present participle
on, carrying out joint assessments and contributing to the implementation
of th - present participle
rrangements to allow all Member States contributing to the tasks in question
to - present participle
ribute to the definition of policies by delivering opinions to the Council
at t - present participle
onal organisations, shall cooperate in ensuring that the common positions
and j - present participle
nce with Article 205(2) of the Treaty establishing the European Community.
For - present participle
eferred to in Article 20 of the Treaty establishing the European Community.
- present participle
213 to 219, 255 and 290 of the Treaty establishing the European Community
shal - present participle
etary procedure laid down in the Treaty establishing the European Community
sha - present participle
prejudice to Article 207 of the Treaty establishing the European Community,
a - present participle
ted. They shall step up cooperation by exchanging information, carrying
out joi - present participle
ising from changes in the situation and failing a Council decision, Member
Stat - present participle
his Article shall also apply to matters falling under Title VI. Article
25 (e - present participle
ll not be obliged to contribute to the financing thereof. 4. The budgetary
pr - present participle
on to participate fully and on an equal footing in planning and decision-taking
- noun
of the Union, including the progressive framing of a common defence policy,
in - present participle
within that framework. The progressive framing of a common defence policy
will - present participle
paragraph 2. It supports the Union in framing the defence aspects of the
commo - present participle
for in this Title. 5. With a view to furthering the objectives of this
Articl - present participle
If there is a change in circumstances having a substantial effect on a
questio - present participle
decision-taking in the WEU. Decisions having defence implications dealt
with u - present participle
paragraph shall not apply to decisions having military or defence implications.
- present participle
ch expenditure arising from operations having military or defence implications
- present participle
or expenditure arising from operations having military or defence implications,
- present participle
cessary measures as a matter of urgency having regard to the general objectives
- present participle
strategy; - when adopting any decision implementing a joint action or
a common - present participle
ould there be any major difficulties in implementing a joint action, a
Member St - present participle
ll hold an annual debate on progress in implementing the common foreign
and secu - present participle
of combat forces in crisis management, including peacemaking. 3. The Union
wi - present participle
relating to the security of the Union, including the progressive framing
of a c - present participle
humanitarian and rescue tasks, peacekeeping tasks and tasks of combat
forces - noun
th Article 205(2) of the Treaty establishing the European Community, the
deci - present participle
e Council may qualify its abstention by making a formal declaration under
the p - present participle
shall convene an extraordinary Council meeting within forty-eight hours
or, in - noun
forces in crisis management, including peacemaking. 3. The Union will
avail i - noun
cipate fully and on an equal footing in planning and decision-taking in
the WEU - present participle
l part of the development of the Union providing the Union with access
to an op - present participle
position. If the members of the Council qualifying their abstention in
this way - present participle
rity policy shall include all questions relating to the security of the
Union, - present participle
Community shall apply to the provisions relating to the areas referred
to in th - present participle
n may refer to the Council any question relating to the common foreign
and secu - present participle
rative expenditure which the provisions relating to the areas referred
to in thi - present participle
submit to it any appropriate proposals relating to the common foreign
and secur - present participle
proposals to the Council. 2. In cases requiring a rapid decision, the
Presiden - present participle
ting joint actions, common positions or taking any other decision on the
basis - present participle
equal footing in planning and decision-taking in the WEU. Decisions having
def - present participle
It is, therefore, seen that there are sixty-four occurances of '-ing',
which is equal to 2.75% of the text. The adjective / present participle
destinction was performed manually because the forms are identical in
English and may also occur in the same positions. They are, in fact, rarely
distinguished. Nevertheless, the tagging process (below) did accuratly
identify the parts.
Tagged sample
The following is the tagged version of the text produced by the email
service at Lancaster University. It is generally very accurate and any
errors I believe to be present are corrected in red after the original
the/ART(def) article, definite
Western/N(com,plu) noun, common, plural /ADJ
European/ADJ adjective, uninflected
Union/N(prop,sing) noun, proper, singular
(/PUNC(obrack) opening parenthesis
WEU/N(prop,sing) noun, proper, singular
)/PUNC(cbrack) closing parenthesis
is/V(cop,pres) lexical verb, copular, present tense
an/ART(indef) article, indefinite
integral/ADJ adjective, uninflected
part/N(com,sing) noun, common, singular
of/PREP(ge) preposition, general
the/ART(def) article, definite
development/N(com,sing) noun, common, singular
of/PREP(ge) preposition, general
the/ART(def) article, definite
Union/N(prop,sing) noun, proper, singular
providing/V(montr,ingp) lexical verb, monotransitive, -ing participle
the/ART(def) article, definite
Union/N(prop,sing) noun, proper, singular
with/PREP(ge) preposition, general
access/N(com,sing) noun, common, singular
to/PREP(ge) preposition, general
an/ART(indef) article, indefinite
operational/ADJ adjective, uninflected
capability/N(com,sing) noun, common, singular
notably/ADV(ge) adverb, general
in/PREP(ge) preposition, general
the/ART(def) article, definite
context/N(com,sing) noun, common, singular
of/PREP(ge) preposition, general
paragraph/N(com,sing) noun, common, singular
2/NUM(card,sing) numeral, cardinal, singular
./PUNC(per) period
it/PRON(pers,sing) pronoun, personal, singular
supports/V(intr,pres) lexical verb, intransitive, present tense
the/ART(def) article, definite
Union/N(prop,sing) noun, proper, singular
in/PREP(ge) preposition, general
framing/V(montr,ingp) lexical verb, monotransitive, -ing participle
the/ART(def) article, definite
defence/N(com,sing) noun, common, singular ?Really
one noun (defence-aspects)
aspects/N(com,plu) noun, common, plural
of/PREP(ge) preposition, general
the/ART(def) article, definite
common/ADJ adjective, uninflected
foreign/ADJ adjective, uninflected /N (goes with
and/CONJUNC(coord) conjunction, coordinating
security/N(com,sing) noun, common, singular
policy/N(com,sing) noun, common, singular
as/PREP(ge) preposition, general
set/V(montr,edp) lexical verb, monotransitive, -ed participle
'set out' is one verb in English
out/ADV(phras) adverb, phrasal
in/PREP(ge) preposition, general
this/PRON(dem,sing) pronoun, demonstrative, singular
Article/N(prop,sing) noun, proper, singular
./PUNC(per) period
the/ART(def) article, definite
Union/N(prop,sing) noun, proper, singular
shall/AUX(modal,pres) auxiliary, modal, present tense future
accordingly/ADV(ge) adverb, general
foster/V(montr,infin) lexical verb, monotransitive, infinitive
closer/ADV(ge,comp) adverb, general, comparative
institutional/ADJ adjective, uninflected
relations/N(com,plu) noun, common, plural
with/PREP(ge) preposition, general
the/ART(def) article, definite
WEU/N(prop,sing) noun, proper, singular
with/PREP(ge) preposition, general
a/ART(indef) article, indefinite
view/N(com,sing) noun, common, singular
to/PREP(ge) preposition, general
the/ART(def) article, definite
possibility/N(com,sing) noun, common, singular
of/PREP(ge) preposition, general
the/ART(def) article, definite
integration/N(com,sing) noun, common, singular
of/PREP(ge) preposition, general
the/ART(def) article, definite
WEU/N(prop,sing) noun, proper, singular
into/PREP(ge) preposition, general
the/ART(def) article, definite
Union/N(prop,sing) noun, proper, singular
,/PUNC(com) comma
should/AUX(modal,past) auxiliary, modal
the/ART(def) article, definite
European/N(prop,sing) noun, proper, singular /ADJ
Council/N(prop,sing) noun, proper, singular
so/ADV(inten) adverb, intensifier
decide/V(montr,infin) lexical verb, monotransitive, infinitive
./PUNC(per) period
it/PRON(pers,sing) pronoun, personal, singular
shall/AUX(modal,pres) auxiliary, modal, present tense
in/PREP(ge) preposition, general
that/PRON(dem,sing) pronoun, demonstrative, singular
case/N(com,sing) noun, common, singular
recommend/N(com,sing) noun, common, singular /V
'shall recommend'
to/PREP(ge) preposition, general
the/ART(def) article, definite
Member/N(prop,sing) noun, proper, singular
States/N(prop,sing) noun, proper, singular
the/ART(def) article, definite
adoption/N(com,sing) noun, common, singular
of/PREP(ge) preposition, general
such/PRON(dem) pronoun, demonstrative
a/PRON(quant,sing) pronoun, quantifying, singular
decision/N(com,sing) noun, common, singular
in/PREP(ge) preposition, general
accordance/N(com,sing) noun, common, singular
with/PREP(ge) preposition, general
their/PRON(poss,plu) pronoun, possessive, plural
respective/ADJ adjective, uninflected
constitutional/ADJ adjective, uninflected
requirements/N(com,plu) noun, common, plural
./PUNC(per) period
Lemmatised Text
"Lemmatised
The lemmatising facility is useful and reveals, for example, the statistical
occurance of various parts of the verb to be in the text. It is,
however, let down by the fact that it does not seem to be able to distinguish
verbs from nouns so that when, for example, question was linked
to questions, etc., all occurances of the noun question
were also classed in the same way.
The following text is part of the Articles which founded the European
Union. As well as the two translations by Babelfish,
the official versions which may be found on the European Parliament's
website are also reproduced.
The English form is shown first in a Bold Italic typeface. Underneath
this, in a normal typeface is the output from Babelfish, whilst the official
translation is given in italics underneath.
To view the full version of this text as a .pdf format download from
the European Parliament's website, select the language below and click
'Go!'. Requires JavaScript and Abobe Acrobat Reader to be installed (JavaScript
© 2002 Dominic Smith).
French Translation
The Western European Union (WEU) is an integral part of the development
L'union d'Europe occidentale (WEU) est une partie intégrale du
L'Union de l'Europe occidentale (UEO) fait partie intégrante du développement
of the Union providing the Union with access to an operational capability
de l'union fournissant à l'union l'accès à une
capacité opérationnelle
de l'Union en donnant à l'Union l'accès à une
capacité opérationnelle,
notably in the context of paragraph 2. It supports the Union in framing
notamment dans le contexte du paragraphe 2. Elle supporte l'union en encadrant
notamment dans le cadre du paragraphe 2. Elle assiste l'Union dans la définition
the defence aspects of the common foreign and security policy
les aspects de la défense de la politique commune
étrangère et de sécurité
des aspects de la politique étrangère et de sécurité commune ayant trait à la défense,
as set out in this Article. The Union shall accordingly foster
comme présenté en cet article. L'union stimulera en
tels qu'ils sont établis dans le présent article. En conséquence, l'Union encourage
closer institutional relations with the WEU with a view to
des relations institutionnelles plus étroites avec le WEU en vue
l'établissement de relations institutionnelles plus étroites avec l'UEO en vue
the possibility of the integration of the WEU into the Union,
de la possibilité de l'intégration du WEU dans l'union,
de l'intégration éventuelle de l'UEO dans l'Union,
should the European Council so decide. It shall in that case
si le Conseil européen ainsi décidez. Elle du fait le cas
si le Conseil européen en décide ainsi. Il recommande, dans ce cas,
recommend to the Member States the adoption of such a decision
recommandent aux Etats membres l'adoption d'une telle décision
aux États membres d'adopter une décision dans ce sens
in accordance with their respective constitutional requirements.
selon leurs conditions constitutionnelles respectives.
conformément à leurs exigences constitutionnelles respectives.
German Translation
The Western European Union (WEU) is an integral part of the development
Der westeuropäische Anschluß (WEU) ist ein wesentlicher Bestandteil
Die Westeuropäische Union (WEU) ist integraler Bestandteil
of the Union providing the Union with access
der Entwicklung des Anschlußes, der vornehmlich den Anschluß mit Zugriff
der Entwicklung der Union; sie eröffnet der Union den Zugang
to an operational capability notably in the context of paragraph 2.
zu einer funktionsfähigen Fähigkeit im Kontext von Paragraphen 2 versieht.
zu einer operativen Kapazität insbesondere im Zusammenhang mit Absatz 2.
It supports the Union in framing the defence aspects
Er unterstützt den Anschluß, wenn er die Verteidigungaspekte
Sie unterstëtzt die Union bei der Festlegung der verteidigungspolitischen Aspekte
of the common foreign and security policy as set out in this Article.
der allgemeinen fremden und Sicherheit Politik gestaltet, wie in diesem Artikel dargelegt.
der Gemeinsamen Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik gemäß diesem Artikel.
The Union shall accordingly foster closer institutional relations
Der Anschluß fördert dementsprechend genauere Institutionsrelationen
Die Union fördert daher engere institutionelle Beziehungen
with the WEU with a view to the possibility of the integration
mit dem WEU angesichts der Möglichkeit der Integration
zur WEU im Hinblick auf die Möglichkeit einer Integration
of the WEU into the Union, should the European Council so decide.
des WEU in den Anschluß, der Europäische Rat wenn, also entscheiden Sie.
der WEU in die Union, falls der Europäische Rat dies beschließt.
It shall in that case recommend to the Member States the adoption
Er soll dadurch, daß Fall den Mitgliedsstaaten die Annahme
Er empfiehlt in diesem Fall den Mitgliedstaaten, einen solchen Beschluß
of such a decision in accordance with their respective
solch einer Entscheidung in Übereinstimmung mit ihren jeweiligen
Translationgemäß ihren verfassungsrechtlichen
constitutional requirements.
innerstaatlichen Voraussetzungen empfehlen.
Vorschriften anzunehmen.
It is seen that the automatic translation is generally sufficient for
gist purposes in a document such as this where clauses are short and succinct.
The only major problem which would seriously confuse a native speaker
is in the French le Conseil européen ainsi décidez.,
since this uses a second-person plural verb.