For four and a half months at the end of my Gap Year, I worked as a Children's Courier for the Leeds-based holiday company French Life. I was sent to a beautiful campsite near Aigues-Mortes in the Camargue, on the French Mediterranean coast.
The activites I organised on this campsite, La Petite Camargue, mainly involved painting, treasure hunts (normally reserved for Friday mornings, the morning after the weekly meal for our clients!), water fights, being covered in cream and a more dodgy activity involving allowing the children to find out about the personal life of other staff (and myself) so they could write a newspaper full of gossip. That latter activity went well until the elder brother of one of my protégés saw me drunkenly kissing a random client in the campsite's nightclub one evening and proceeded to tell all of the children... The children were between four and twelve years old so it was hard work finding activities for them all to do, whilst staying within the stringent safety rules. Nevertheless, it was fun and quite rewarding.