socialising at university
New academic year, new page. But the you can still see the pictures from the 2001-02 academic year. I will evenutally get some useful photos up here, but all the decent ones are on my print-film camera and I haven't got a scanner at University, so it will be a while before they are all scanned.
Pre-term drinks
Some of the other Girton linguists chez moi for some pre-term drinks:
The first ent of this year, on 10th October 2003, was MoFo, which described itself as a funk-heavy, hip-hop laden, rock-tinged partay, and was probably one of the best ents I have been to in college. Congratulations to Lawrence, the Ents Officer, for organising it.

DJing in the Main Hall.

Craig serving the partay food.

The canteen was open for food.
Party at 66
James, Oli and Ali
Christmas formal
Chapel wardens Christmas formal
The College Chaplain after the meal
Girton Spring Ball 2004
Alistair, James and Gavin in the bar
People at the ball
In one of the marquees
Chris, Gav, James, Ali and Mary in the ball
In the dining hall
EU Enlargement Party
Gavin at the EU Enlargement Party
Another party with my friends at number 66 on 1st May to celebrate the enlargement of the EU.
College Feast
The annual college feast, held this year on 11th May 2004, which celebrates the University allowing Girton College students to get degrees in 1948 after 80 years, and also the impending graduation of us finalists.
The start of the feast
Main course
All the Girton linguists and staff having drinks before the dinner
Garden Party
The garden party after exams in Girton
Post-exam dinners
Joey, myself and Di at the fusion dinner
Girton linguists in the Old Crown in Girton, the night before exam results were published.