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BAND QSO DUP DXC CQ POINTS AVG ------------------------------------ 160 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 80 105 0 47 9 136 1.30 40 127 0 43 9 187 1.47 20 137 0 42 11 242 1.77 15 16 0 11 7 30 1.88 10 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 ------------------------------------ TOT. 385 0 143 36 595 1.55 ==================================== TOTAL SCORE : 106 505 Zones worked: 80m 04 05 08 14 15 16 17 20 33 = 9 40m 04 05 14 15 16 17 20 21 33 = 9 20m 04 05 14 15 16 17 20 21 33 34 40 = 11 15m 05 13 14 15 16 20 33 = 7
My first proper entry in a CW contest, and I really enjoyed it. The claimed score is 106,505 and a
IC-706Mk2G, Hustler 6BTV vertical, 40m dipole, 100W. Logging with Win-Test. View photographs of my Hustler vertical in the snow in my garden, the 40m dipole and the temporary shack set up in my bedroom.
A very good contest, and I'll certainly be back for more. Given the current conditions, it's hardly surprising that I got 0 Qs on 10, but I was very impressed by 80m (especially around 0500 on Sunday, when I actually felt loud). As far as DX is concerned, 72% of QSOs were with Europe and 20% with North America, so obviously my station (and QTH) leave something to be desired. The only major problem was the entire assembly of my homebrew key soming loose during Saturday evening which, combined with my tiredness, led to a lot of random characters. Apologies if you were one of the people affected by this; I'll try to have computer keying and a decent key in time for next year!
During the contest I worked a station in Uzbekistan which, to my suprise, was an all time new one for me, taking my DXCC total to 223. Less surprising was that I worked a large number of new countries on CW, given the fact that I am not normally a CW operator. My thanks to people I contacted in any of the following:
3V, 4L, 4X, 5B, 7X, A4, CT, CU, EA, EA6, EA8, EI, ER, ES, EU, EY, FP, HA, HB, IS0, KP2, LX, LY, OE, OH, OJ0, OK, OM, ON, OY, OZ, PA, S5, SP, T9, TF, UA, UA2, UA9, UK, UN, UR, YL, YO, YU, Z3
This takes my CW DXCC total from 78 to 107.
In addition, I worked 21 new ones on 80m, 8 on 40m and 2 on 20m.
As with the SSB leg, this page contained a live blog during the contest, which is reproduced below for your interest;
Soon QRT to go back to Birmingham. About 105,000 points, and 380 QSOs. (07:40)
Going to bed for a couple hours with 86005 points, 336 QSOs. (00:05)
At last got to 300 QSOs. A rate of just 12Qs in the last hour, while I was tightening the screws in my morse key (22:30)
Had some QSOs on 80m after dinner. Had planned to get USA on 40m, but had to do emergency surgery on my key (21:46)
Break for dinner, with 251 QSOs, 50816 points (18:45)
Working lots of US east coast on 20m at dusk (17:00)
Lunch break (14:00)
Some nice rates on 20m S and P this lunchtime, but 15m seems quite dead here (13:15)
Over the 100 mark (11:20)
Quick break for breakfast, then will take a look on 20m (09:00)
Awake slightly later than I had wanted, but have been able to work some strong ones on 80m (08:05)
Like in SSB, 80m is hard due to my untuned vertical. Most people I call can't work me. Off to bed soon though. (02:43)
Hard going first hour on 40... my filters aren't narrow enough to cope with the mess! (00:45)
Just found a copy of the results from CQWW CW last November. My claimed score was reduced from 106505 to 90125 after log checking, placing me sixth out of eight in the SO(A)AB LP category. Oh well, I suppose it's not bad given that my operation was pretty-much limited to only one day.