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Dominic Smith

This content is archived. It is kept for historical reference only. It was last modified in July 2008. It will not be updated.


DL5RB, G3ZAY, G7VJR, M0BBB, M0DEG, M0SCH, M0TBF and I operated from the Cambridge University Wireless Society club station, M4A, in the CQ WW DX SSB contest. For more information on the club see, which also has links to the pre-contest and post-contest briefings.


Contest         : CQ World Wide DX Contest
Callsign        : M4A
Mode            : PHONE
Category        : Multi Operator - Single Transmitter (MS)
Overlay         : Radio club
Band(s)         : All bands (AB)
Class           : High Power (HP)
Zone/State/...  : 14
Locator         : JO02AF
Operating time  : 45h04

  160    53   7  52   0      72  1.36 
   80   289  13  73   1     329  1.14 
   40   513  27 100   6     758  1.48 
   20   882  28 111  10    1488  1.69 
   15   743  28 111   8    1499  2.02 
   10   105  15  64   0     157  1.50 
TOTAL  2585 118 511  25    4303  1.66 
       TOTAL SCORE : 2 706 587


Final results show the M4A score was reduced to 2,355,210 after log-checking, a rather embarrassing 13.2% reduction. This was largely due to 21 violations of the band-change rule, of which 11 were multipliers. Something to work on next time! Nevertheless, we still managed second place in England.



Run station: FT-1000MP, TL-922, Dunestar band-pass filter, MFJ DVK
Mult station: FT-1000MP, Quadra, Dunestar band-pass filter, MFJ DVK

Antennas: 160m dipole, 80m dipole, 40m Four-square, 40m rotating dipole, SteppIR Yagi, A3S

Logging was with Win-Test.


If you cannot see the embedded video, it is also available from YouTube.


27 00 	91 	
27 01 	55 	
27 02 	57 	
27 03 	36 	
27 04 	55 	
27 05 	32 	
27 06 	35 	
27 07 	55 	
27 08 	54 	
27 09 	87 	
27 10 	66 	
27 11 	53 	
27 12 	24 	
27 13 	46 	
27 14 	27 	
27 15 	83 	
27 16 	62 	
27 17 	87 	
27 18 	82 	
27 19 	71 	
27 20 	136 	
27 21 	83 	
27 22 	47 	
27 23 	15 	
28 00 	22 	
28 01 	47 	
28 02 	20 	
28 03 	33 	
28 04 	16 	
28 05 	10 	
28 06 	28 	
28 07 	48 	
28 08 	40 	
28 09 	113 	
28 10 	81 	
28 11 	59 	
28 12 	74 	
28 13 	129 	
28 14 	52 	
28 15 	44 	
28 16 	37 	
28 17 	57 	
28 18 	39 	
28 19 	94 	
28 20 	50 	
28 21 	40 	
28 22 	14 	
28 23 	24 	
Total 	2610

Previous entry

M4A last entered CQ WW DX SSB in 2006.

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