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Dominic Smith

This content is archived. It is kept for historical reference only. It was last modified in December 2009. It will not be updated.

Russian DX Contest 2008

I was active from 15th-16th March 2008 from the Cambridge University Wireless Society shack in the Russian DX Contest. This was a part-time operation, due to work and the CDXC Dinner on Saturday evening, SOSB on 20m only.

In about five hours on, I worked 387 QSOs. Top rate was 120 Qs an hour at around 14:00 UTC on Saturday. Sunday morning was very slow going, as I found propagation to be worse. Highlights were being called by VK3 and HZ on Saturday. Slightly worrying is the number of dupes worked, suggesting that I might have been incorrectly spotted at some point on Saturday afternoon.


I came 54th of 254 entries in the SOSB/20 category, 47th of 182 in Europe. (See the official results). After log-checking, I had 335 QSOs, giving a total of 181,104 points, a reduction of some 19% from the claimed score. This was still sufficient to give me 2nd place in England in the SOSB 14MHz category.



Band	SSB	CW	Dupes	DXCC	Oblasts	Points
20	337	25	6	44	47	2454

This gives a total of 223 314 points claimed.


M0BLF claimed and confirmed results in RDXC-2008
Entry : SOSB-14

              C l a i m e d:             C o n f i r m e d:
       QSOs Points DXCC Obls  Total  QSOs Points DXCC Obls  Total

Total :  368  2454  44  47   223314    335  2058  43  45   181104
  14  :  368  2454  44  47             335  2058  43  45

  Penalties for:
    bad calls = 2
    bad exchanges = 11
    not in log = 0
  Other missed QSOs (no penalty) = 14
  Unical calls = 1

Band Mode UTC  Station   Sent Rcvd

 14  SSB 13:15 RU3VV      031  VL    Your exchange was copied as 023
 14  SSB 13:55 UT8NT      083  029   Your exchange was copied as 093
 14  SSB 13:56 HA6IAM     085  093   Correct exchange is 070
 14  SSB 14:07 UA3EUW     102  KA    Correct exchange is OR
 14  SSB 14:18 UA3RLT     126  TB    M0BLT in UA3RLT log
 14  SSB 14:24 RK4WWQ     136  UD    DM0BLF in RK4WWQ log
 14  SSB 14:26 RW4NN      143  VG    Correct exchange is KI
 14  SSB 14:55 IZ8CDM     193  073   Correct callsign is IZ8CLM
 14  SSB 14:56 YO6AJI     194  001   Correct exchange is 002
 14  SSB 15:17 RV3DDB     219  KA    Correct exchange is MO
 14  CW  15:37 YT9A       227  317   Correct exchange is 361
 14  SSB 16:08 HA8IB      234  320   M0BZF in HA8IB log
 14  SSB 16:32 OL2T       252  065   Correct exchange is 055
 14  SSB 16:36 UA6HHT     258  ST    Correct callsign is UA6HHE
 14  SSB 16:41 RX6AMV     264  KR    Your exchange was copied as 364
 14  SSB 16:44 YT7TA      270  052   Correct exchange is 050
 14  SSB 16:46 UA4HUR     274  SR    Your exchange was copied as 374
 14  CW  09:47 UA2FL      294  KA    Your exchange was copied as 293
 14  SSB 10:18 TA0U       307  760   Correct exchange is 767
 14  SSB 10:21 RW9UZZ     310  KE    M0BVF in RW9UZZ log
 14  SSB 10:40 UA2AB      325  KA    Your exchange was copied as 305
 14  SSB 10:57 LZ1ND      339  899   Correct exchange is 895
 14  SSB 11:12 OH4XX      351  152   Your exchange was copied as 851
 14  CW  11:40 UW7F       361  730   M0BLL in UW7F log
 14  SSB 11:53 RV9JE      364  HM    Your exchange was copied as 362
 14  SSB 11:54 RW9UU      365  KE    Your exchange was copied as 375
 14  SSB 11:58 W3UA       367  1129  Correct exchange is 1149


Previous Entries

I previously took part in this contest in 2006 from my home QTH, when I managed 105 QSOs (27 DXCCs, 35 Oblasts) totalling 49 910 points.

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