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Dominic Smith

This content is archived. It is kept for historical reference only. It was last modified in January 2011. It will not be updated.


Fourteen operators from the Cambridge University Wireless Society operated as M4A in the multi-single category in the CQ WW DX SSB Contest on 24-25 October 2009.

Score Table

Contest         : CQ World Wide DX Contest
Callsign        : M4A
Mode            : PHONE
Category        : Multi Operator - Single Transmitter (MS)
Overlay         : ---
Band(s)         : All bands (AB)
Class           : High Power (HP)
Zone/State/...  : 14
Locator         : JO02AF
Operating time  : 47h46

  160    70  11  50   0      86  1.23 
   80   738  18  89   4    1020  1.38 
   40   822  34 117  13    1446  1.76 
   20  1486  34 120  17    3057  2.06 
   15   387  34 121   5     778  2.01 
   10    63  16  61   0     118  1.87 
TOTAL  3566 147 558  39    6505  1.82 
       TOTAL SCORE : 4 586 025

Dupes are not included in QSO counts neither avg calculations

Operators       : 2E0WNT, G3ZAY, G4EAG, G4AXX, G7VJR, M0BLF, M0DEG,
                  M0HSW, M0MLG, M0SCH, M0SKI, M0VFC, M0ZES, M3TBK

Powered by Win-Test 4.2.0



Run station: FT-1000MP, DVK, Quadra linear, Dunestar band-pass filter
Mult station: FT-1000MP, DVK, Tokyo Hi-Power linear, Dunestar band-pass filter
Antennas: For 160m: Dipole; For 80m: 2x phased verticals; For 40m: 4-square array; For 20m: 4 element monoband yagi; For 15 & 10m: Stepp-IR 3 element yagi*
Computers: Win-Test for logging, networked, with telnet cluster link.
* - Note that the shared antenna between 15m and 10m meant that it was not possible for the run and mult stations to use these bands simultaneously this year.


After log-checking, our score was reduced by about 9.8% to give a final score of 4,139,710 points. We again came 2nd to G6PZ in the M/S category for England, who had a score of 5,962,920.


A write-up of our operation, with a number of photographs, is now available on the Granta Contest Group website (thanks to G4AXX).

QSL Information

QSL via M0BLF: Full QSL Information

DX Spots

A list of DX Spots people made for us is available. Thanks to everyone who spotted us - it really does help to increase rates!

Document changes:

2011-01-23: Added results
2009-10-27: Added score table
2009-10-26: Added equipment section
2009-11-08: Added link to G4AXX's writeup

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