The CUWS was active for two days in February 2002 from Jersey in the Channel Islands as GJ6UW/P. Jersey counts as EU-013 for the RSGB's Islands on the Air award scheme. We were active from a location in the centre of the island, St. Lawrance Parish, and worked on all bands from forty to ten metres, SSB. Due to the ARRL CW contest, which was on over the weekend, we did not operate any CW. Topband and eighty metre operation was also not possible, due to high winds which meant that we couldn't get the antenna raised. In total, 1533 QSOs were made in the forty-eight hours between Friday and Sunday afternoons.
There was another CUWS trip to Jersey in 2005, which I am QSL Manager for, but which I was not on.

QSL Cards
Via M0BLF bureau or direct. QSL Card status
The following recordings were made by us during the trip and are produced here in RealAudio™ format.
Martin, G3ZAY operating with a large JA2 short-path pileup (despite the fact that the beam was stuck pointing long-path!)
- Dominic, M0BLF operating
- 'Standby and Listen': If you are calling a DXpedition, please always make sure you can hear them before calling them and always listen fo your callsign. It sounds obvious, but this example shows the consequences if you don't (the operator never made a QSO with us).