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Dominic Smith

This content is archived. It is kept for historical reference only. It was last modified in September 2005. It will not be updated.

€uro Converter

Although not officially University work, I threw a version of this page in with my CHUCOL work, which is why it is available in this section.

The page contains a JavaScript™ which allows conversion of Pounds to Euros or vice-versa, with the Euro amount also automatically displayed in each of the old national currencies.

Users of Micro$oft Windows™ 95 and earlier will need to install the Euro Symbol update to correctly display the Euro symbol on this page.

1. Type in up-to-date exchange rates below. If you only know the rate one way around (eg € to the £ but not vice versa), click the correct centre arrow to estimate the inverse rate.

£1 = €
£ / € Rates
€1 = p

Type in an amount of £s or €s, and click the appropriate convert button. The conversion will appear in the other box.

Amount in £ Sterling:

Amount in €:

3. Simultaneously, the conversion should appear for each of the former eurozone currencies, based on the locked conversion rates used during the three-year changeover period.

France: Ireland:
Spain: Portugal:
Italy: Germany:
Luxembourg: Austria:
Belgium: Holland:
Finland: Based on Official Rates published May 1998